Before you offer credit to a new customer or order products from a supplier, it is important to know whether their business is financially healthy.
Business credit reports help protect your business by providing information that helps you avoid making bad credit decisions that could hurt your cash flow or ordering from suppliers who cannot deliver. With an Experian business credit report subscription, you can order business credit reports on customers and suppliers whenever you need to. You can also monitor your own business credit score to see how your suppliers and lenders assess your creditworthiness.
Command Credit offers various payment options:
We offer four types of contracts for services:
- Self Service Business Reports with access to Experian, Equifax and Dun and Bradstreet reports though href=”
- Monthly billing program – allows you access to all of Command Credit’s products and services on a monthly invoice basis for reports used
- Prepaid contract with tiers based on the amount of the prepaid dollars – allows access to all Command Credit’s products and services with a discount in pricing due to the prepaid payment of the contract. As reports are order the prepaid account is credit until funds are depleted.
- Subscription pricing for a 1 year period – This is a purchase of a set number of Experian at a deep discounted rate which includes alert monitoring for all your existing accounts.
Why You Should Monitor Business Credit Scores for Customers and Suppliers
Business credit scores for suppliers and customers change constantly too. Just because a business has paid its bills on time or delivered on orders in the past does not mean it will have the financial ability to do it in the future.
Business credit reports help you:
- See signs of deteriorating financial health
- Manage business credit risk
- Forecast and manage your cash flow
- Make better decisions about extending credit and on what terms
Get Experian Business Credit Reports
At Command Credit, we make it easy to pull an Experian business credit report and sign up for a subscription service. You can also check business credit reports from Equifax, Dun & Bradstreet, Trans Union, or Credit Reports World.
We get volume discounts from the different business credit reporting agencies because of the volume of business credit reports we provide customers. The enables us to be the lowest cost provider of credit reports because we pass those savings on to you. We have pricing plans to match your volume and integrated credit solutions so that you can customize the reporting format using the repositories and databases you access the most.
Contact Command Credit today for more information or to sign up for an Experian business credit report subscription.